Wednesday 11 February 2015


December 2013

What has always amazed me is mans ability to accept his 

Man is a creature who struggles, fights, claws and kills to survive and get through or over an obstacle. Yet whenever you know your fate is inevitable; whether you're dying, failing a test, or just facing the music for something, you tend to accept it.
We're all unique, so the time for us to accept that eventuality varies. But unless we drop dead before the acceptance kicks in... We usually do accept our fate. And accept it with grace.
Because man, above all, is proud. We do not want to accept something by force. We want to be the ones who saw the truth of it, and calmly accepted it.
Many people who have terminal diseases are quite calm, and collected. Serenity is their friend. Once man has made peace with his fate, his instinctive drive to fight it, regardless of the odds, falls away.
The fight or flight mechanism is superseded by the acceptance of the truth. 
This is not to be confused with hopelessness or depression. In those cases, man is overcome with negative feelings and emotions. They don't accept their fate, they give up. And that is another issue altogether.
The real... Well not "issue" so much as topic(?) Is how I find it amazing how man can go from panicked, stressed, upset, frantic etc to a state in which they are unconcerned. Their heart rate is low, their mind is calm. They aren't effected by it anymore. And I've seen this change take place in under a minute and it both confuses and fascinates me.
What an amazing coping mechanism isn't it? To be able to detach yourself from that situation and to consciously or unconsciously decide that it does not bother you anymore.
There have had to have been at least a dozen instances in our lives where we were on the verge of panic, when suddenly... We didn't care anymore. And BOOM, we have accepted it.

"Into the Valley of Death,
  Rode the six hundred"

Acceptance. A wonder in itself...

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